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  • lerodriguez00

Am I depressed?

You may be wondering, what is depression or what are depression symptoms or am I depressed? Sometimes is normal to feel sad when things happen. But other times people may experience an intense sadness that does not go away. It can last for days, weeks, months and even years. People who experience depression have: 1) a decrease in motivation 2) difficulty concentrating 3) lack of interest in things they used to enjoy before 4) depressed mood 5) feel isolated  6) difficulty sleeping  7) changes in appetite  8) thoughts of death 9) feel guilty or worthless  Some people might describe this as feeling apathetic. People who experience this condition have a hard time doing or starting their daily routines such as getting up in the morning or taking care of themselves. This can affect their school, work, relationships and physical health. Have you ever experience any of these? Do you feel an intense level of dissatisfaction with your life?  Have you been trying to cope with it on your own? Is it getting worse? Sometimes you might not want to put a label to your condition or seek counseling because of the stigma associated with both. It is not uncommon for people to have thoughts of death, self-harm, or suicide. If that is the case is important to reach out for help. Here are some resources that could be helpful if you are thinking of suicide or need to talk to someone: the National Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Online Counseling for depression can be beneficial for helping those having difficulty reaching out for help.

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